Avoid Long Lines with New iPhone App, GiftCards

GiftCertificates.comInternetRetailer reported today that GiftCertificates.com has developed an iPhone application, thus entering the emerging realm of mobile e-commerce.  The application allows users to buy gift certificates without accessing a website. Consumes who download the application versus accessing a mobile website benefit from better performance, because the application resides on the smartphone.  The advantage for the developer, in this case GiftCertificates.com, is the ability to increase brand loyalty since the application is displayed on the Featured Retailerssmartphone’s desktop. Download the application here.

Customers can use GiftCertificates.com’s mobile application to browse a variety of gift cards from clothing retailers to restaurants chains.  Once the user selects the gift card they can then send either a physical or e-gift card to a recipient from their iPhone address book, along with a personalized message.

Gift Card CategoriesCapitalizing on the iPhone’s GPS capabilities the GiftCertificate.com mobile application allows users to also locate retailers that are located near the intended recipient, and map directions to the store.

Are you an iPhone owner who doesn’t like to shop?  Would you use this application for your Christmas Shopping?

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