2 Tools to Analyze You Blogging Style

Have you read Adam Cohen’s post, What Does Your Blog Say About You? If not, it’s a must read.  In his post Adam ponders over the somewhat interesting analysis he received from Gender Analyzer and Typealyzer. Gender Analyzer uses artificial intelligence to determine whether a blog is authored by a man or a woman.  After submitting my blog, the results concluded that there was a 77% chance it was written by a man.  Seriously – take a look at the screen shot.  To be fair, Gender Analyzer does have a disclaimer:

We created Gender Analyzer out of curiosity and fun. It uses Artificial Intelligence to determine if a homepage is written by a man or woman.GenderAnalyzer REsults

Phew..so Gender Analyzer was developed for entertainment purposes only?  I hope so, because the algorithm seems to have a few bugs in it.   Or it could mean that 77% of the time I write like a man – it’s possible.  I do have a tendency to blog about technology  more than any other topic, and historically technology and science have been dominated by men.  What do you think?

The next tool is Typealyzer, which analyzes your writing style based on your blog posts.  Typealyzer analyzes you blog to determine the type of writer that you are -somewhat of a Myers-Briggs test for bloggers.  Typealyzer’s blog states:

For a long period of time, we have been training our system to recognize texts that characterize the different types. The system, Typealyzer, can now by itself find features that distinguishes one type from another. When all features, words and sentences, are statistically analyzed, Typealyzer is able to guess which personality type the text represents.

Typealyzer concluded that I fit into the category: INTJ – The Scientists.  The people that fit into this type are individualistic, long-range thinkers.   They are intellectually curious and daring, but might be physically hesitant to try new things.  Frankly I am very, very curious about the world around me.  I consider myself a students of life, but contrary to what Typealyzer says, I’m not afraid to physically try anything new – not at all.   Ok, except for swimming with sharks – never.  Take a look at the screen shots.

I'm a Scientist

My question is, how would you use these tools to improve your blogs, writing style, or find out what makes you tick?  I’d love to hear you thoughts.

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Writers Wanted!

In addition to being an adjunct professor, business owner and PhD student, I’m also a contributing editor for Bright Hub – hence My blog title, Social Media Scribe!  If your not familiar with Bright Hub, its a science and technology website dedicated to utilizing deep domain expertise to focus on creating valuable information about new and emerging scientific and technology applications through a host of articles, software and hardware reviews, buyer’s guides, blog entries and forum discussions.

Bright Hub needs writers! If you are a blogger than you are a writer!  Bright Hub has a several different channels that you can write for, according to your expertise – my channel is the project management channel.  Other channels include :

So you see, there’s a channel for everyone!  One of the great benefits of being a writer for Bright Hub is the PAY.  I’ve researched other writing sites and Bright Hub pays – not per word, or per click, but per article and through their revenue sharing program.  You can read more about being a writer for Bright Hub on their website.

I can attest to how great the company is.  Bright Hub is consistently updating the site, adding features to increase writer productivity, and offering incentives for writers.  For example the September promotion is for every for every 5 (300 word count or more) articles published in September, the writer will receive a $30 bonus.  How Fantastic is that!

If you would like to know more about Bright Hub, feel free leave a comment or contact me at: natasha.m.baker@gmail.com!

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